88 thoughts on “How Can India Emerge as a Corruption-Free Country?

  1. Ratnakar B.N.S

    What an exhaustive commentary on the subject. All suggestions are implementable and mandatory, if we aim to make the country corruption free.

  2. Thrineshwara M R

    Just like the technological advancements that help us along with the terrorists, any measure taken by the governments to eradicate corruption may not help in eradicating it because people develop immunity to them slowly. The corruption is rampant in all government offices, politicians and business men. Unless the entire system is cleansed there is no solace from all these half hearted measures. It is just beating about the bush.

  3. Shankar Mandapaka

    When everyone recognizes their job (we don’t do job expecting some favor) is most revered and has accountability and responsibility 110%, we can become less corrupt nation

  4. Radhakrishnan Ramachandra

    India cannot become a corrupt free country as all the states are not ruled or controlled by Narendra Modi. Each State has their independence over which centre has little or no control.

  5. Sivakumar S R

    When govt starts spending tax money responsibly and show tangible benefits for tax payers especially health and pension, corruption will automatically reduce substantially.

  6. Kedar S

    efficient governance and strong government with equal and strict implementation of law and order will make India corruption free

  7. Prakash Bvs

    Too many people chasing too few resources ! ” Accepting what comes ” is an attitude people have to develop. If you do not ask for a favor, one does not need to consider corruption. It is a slow and time taking process to eliminate corruption totally. In 16th century it must have worked in Denmark, but cannot work in India today – remember India has over a billion people. Vote bank politics give scope for populist schemes draining state funds and cannot be easily ignored

  8. Ajay Patwardhan

    A remarkable comprehensive article by you. Shows what needs to be done frankly.

    The only problem is that digital data is erasable, modifiable and access deniable and hence puts people at disadvantage ; so it is not the magic solution panacea. Just because it is digital and modern. Those who have experienced digital data incidents either as those who control it or those who are its user clients know what is possible and not possible with digital data. This is not about social media digital data. This is about people’ s money in banks. Your coverage and analysis of corruption and its eradication is very incisive. However digital payments can transfer money cashless and rapidly from phone to phone and though that leaves a trail it also permits quicker money transfer for non corrupt and corrupt transactions. So does that solve the problem

  9. Dharmendra Daukia

    The question is based on assumption that it can. In next 100 years it cannot. Because it took more than 1000 years to come so far.
    The starting point of reversal is education (and I would add further “for community living, valuing community more than individual “). Time frame……well !!

  10. Minhaj Quazi

    Of course, unless we change the mind set of people of the greater Indian continent that corruption or greedy richness has no real value except quality education and dignified thoughts. Unfortunately, we are unaware what is dignified thinking based on illiteracy and back dated culture—really, sorry!

  11. Cardiyan HIS

    Very difficult to eradicate corruption because corruption is deeply rooted and very widespread, especially among police, politicians, prosecutors and judges. People are not afraid anymore to do corruption because no deterrent effect when the judges gave the verdict to the corruptors very light. But the anti-corruption efforts should be done in the system and require the most patience and support of the people

  12. Sudhir.C. Jain

    This is a trillion of trillion dollar question. But I suppose this could be controlled to minimal or invisible by : i) taxing each & every one purchase above certain cost and not income. Presently hard earnings of only few who are earning above certain limit are being taxed and distributed to non earning voters to favour them which is mother of corruption. Charity and donations should be utilised sensibly with real deserving ones. ii) use of monitoring systems which are visible not only on demand, but by default. When all decisions / purchases/ admissions /recruitments etc. are to be based on merits only, this should all be visible why only on demand.Even school/ college examinations answer books should be made open on CCTV and web site etc. Why this should be secret. And many similar actions need to be taken.
    Only strategic decisions of government should be in closed rooms. Even school/ college results are secretly maintained , why?
    Education should be serious, clean & corruption free at first. Corruption enters in mind from very child hood. Child’s observation is very sharp and with deep impressions

  13. JC Suman

    If you try there is a 50% chance you will win. But with negative attitude of “NEVER” without even trying you have already faled!

  14. Anurag K

    Its a nice move and hope to improve things from here. Corruption is directly linked with law n Order. Until there is a good governance and strong law n Order is in place, Wrong doing people continue their move with various loop holes in system, eg Plenty of long pending Legal cases where Judges are just giving dates than justice that leads the entire eco system corrupt. Innocent one has to shell out bribe at every level just to prove him right which Illegal people thrash and try to buy all with money power ( full corruption)

  15. Ramnarayan Kompella

    I do not think the list of 20+ ideas made is something unknown. Everyone knows it. Its all about execution where everybody lags. My firm belief is if India is corrupt it is first the citizens who need to change. Corruption is in the mind of every Indian. Indian always works towards his own cause. This is something very difficult to change. We do not live in a family oriented environment against society oriented……..

  16. Ramnarayan Kompella

    Just to take an example everybody violates traffic rules just because we are indiscipline and do not respect others time and life; We pay bribes because we do not want to follow laws of the country; We do not stand in queues, do not keep mobiles in silent modes in public, do not use dust bins, and so on all because we are impatient…. Lastly we do not vote and those who vote during elections are biased towards their caste, religion, loyalty, sentiments, arithematic and so on but never really try to find out if there is a good candidate in foray. So it is very important for people to change their mindset

  17. Gary Maxwell

    Push all politicians and elected officials out of their jobs and start over by electing people who work for a living.


    Society should look down upon corruption and corrupt individuals. Stringent anti corruption measures must be taken and corrupt people should be thrown behind bars, however high he or she might be. Corrupt should be treated as parasites on the Society and should be pursued till they get punished. Notifications under Benami Property Act should be published and acted upon at the earliest. Income tax laws must be simplified and made reasonable to widen tax base.

  19. Debu K Dasgupta

    Why do we need 200 political parties , the non discipline comes from having no fear of the law by hiding behind such local political parties who pull clout over the enforcement agencies .
    Everybody gets away with corruption and breaking rules without any tension, every one is aligned to a neta

  20. Vikrant Shedge

    Its not just because of few handful politicians or bureaucrats. Everyone does corruption at his own level. We as ordinary citizens dont follow traffic rules, evade taxes on different occasions, take rules and regulations casually etc.
    We believe in hoarding valuables for our future generations rather than enjoying the moments of life. Thats where the problem lies.

  21. Dr.Chith Aravind

    Every body and every nation changes to good. Now it is India’s turn to change and it is happening now. Soon India will change to a more developed and less corrupt country. The people will be like the King who rule them. Now India has a good King. Accordingly people will have to change

  22. Nilanjan Bhattacharya

    India can be corruption free when Indian citizens realize that elected officials and administrators are accountable to them (the citizens). Indian citizens need to understand the political process at the local and state level (not just national). Actions taken by lawmakers (at the state and local level) need to be transparent to the public. Citizens should be able to report graft without repercussions. Citizens should have faith in law enforcement. Make democracy function like it should. Other things can come later

  23. Krishna Mohan A

    India is the 76 least corrupt nation out of 175 countries, according to the 2015 Corruption Perceptions Index reported by Transparency International. Definitely positive change will come soon.

  24. Bilal Eliat

    Indian Administrative Service, enough for entire developments and safe leading of this country. Those respected personals are educated and well mentored. But……………….. Yeah, India is a democratic country!

  25. rajni venketesh

    India can emerge free from corruption, only when good people are given respect, and when people get in there this concept that we are not to take anything with us , the only thing that counts is our good deeds

  26. Vaishali Patange

    Not all the ways given in the post will lead to the desired result. Education, awareness at all levels – even at schools – is the key to bring about behavioural change. Since the entire socio-politico system is trapped in corrupt practices, the nation needs to address the issue at all levels – the ones who are running the nation, the ones who have entered or will be entering the arena of leading the nation in 10 year’s time, and also the ones who will be the next generation (10 year olds now) and the ones after that (4-5 year olds). As they say, catch them young. The change will come about when a pledge taken is imbibed in depths of heart and implemented in all areas. It will come about when transparency is not dreamt of, but is considered the norm. Awareness programs for eradicating corruption would require extensive reach across all age groups and classes, to an extent when following right practices is the only preferred choice

  27. Chandrasekaran Ayyasamy

    Indian needs to have only one action : Cultural Transformation / Social behavior Transformation against corruption, rest will automatically fall in place

  28. Sunil G. Nair

    What one lacks and aspires for……the “tamasic” tendency is to aquire by all means fair or unfair. It is a self sustaining eco-system where the smart and powerful loot, their cronies get bread crumbs and bark to ensure their lords get away with impunity and the rest of the crowd either envies the ones plundering or become mute spectators.

    The mute spectators and the ones envying cannot be expected to transform. They have unfortunately been conditioned by decades of passive indifference ….to look the other way if someone is strangled to death next to them.

    Change has to happen at those levels that are the influencers. Like common sense emanating from SpiderMan tells us “with great power comes great responsibility”

  29. suleman sumra

    Strict observance of rule of law. Provide justice fairly and quickly to avoid rich and powerful to avoid penalties for their actions. Malya, Modi (former IPL boss), Salman Khan (several cases pending for years), Lalu Prasad – the list is endless have all defied the system.

  30. Nikhil Deshpande

    The easiest way to make Bharat corruption free is to somehow make the goddess of (conscience/ morality/ integrity) magically ignite a flame of the same qualities in the minds of Indians who love hoarding anything which is not righteous, it starts with an individual & his outlook towards life (not first rules & policies)

  31. Ajay Patwardhan

    Here is a suggestion for someone with your background. To make income tax system in India fully inclusive of all people with any and whatever incomes. The lowest income tax rate should be 1% which can be paid by those who earn lower than per capita incomes in India. The income tax rate should be gradually proportionately , but not necessarily linearly, rise with incomes reaching a maximum rate of 40% income tax of all incomes of an individual. Then there should be no exemptions, deductions, tax slabs and loopholes. This tax should be paid once a year in banks by each income earner by filling a one page form stating income tax and transfer tax amount to income tax cell of each bank. That will greatly simplify the tax process for all and improve compliance and hence revenues for government. A large part of the corruption and black money issues associated to income tax will drastically reduce. Then there will be a systemic change in functioning of government at all levels which together with businesses and individuals creates the corruption. The declared earned taxed and spent incomes of people will be correlated. GST is another complication as the value chains and taxes in its stages is being sectorally and regionally negotiated

  32. Anand Prasad Chattopadhyay

    for this, people should have educated society and social security and new generation should be taught the values old generation had which is gradually becoming extinct

  33. Mohamed Gani Ibrahim Jailani

    People has to come out of Facebook and twitter and talk in real world. That’s the best way for eradicating all the issues

  34. Rajkumar Pugalia

    Excellent article and very timely. While one can always remain skeptical and cynical to say that eradication of corruption looks like an impossible task, we need to think positive and its not the zero corruption but the level of corruption tending towards zero which needs to be the objective. Also, we are at the right tipping point in this journey. We have a bold and committed PM, the digital era is percolating now at rapid pace, social media is becoming omnipresent, transparency and automation is scaling rapidly. This is not a momentary project but a project that can take a generation here from to bring the revolutionary change. Transparency through cameras, internet bids and auctions, RTI etc. on one side, removing delays in justice aided with education will go a long way. Yes, we need to transform our thoughts and create the possibility and live by it. Thanks

  35. Susan Thomas

    Political system of our country is so rotten today that no politician will allow a corruption free environment. Legislators themselves are soaked in dirty water of bribes and kickbacks.

  36. Sripathi katragadda

    Congratulations Dr Gupta in the setting up of your attractive, informative and very professional website. Well done.

  37. Himanshu Taragi

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  39. NITIN Bhardwaj

    Financial literacy to all indians is needed to weed out the menace of corruption. When people will know how financial landscape works there will be more accountability of government.

  40. Hiren Dave

    Corruption happened in bank branches and post office after November 8. If the government will not bring offenders to justice, it will spread a wrong message in the public and BJP will lose support.

  41. Nitigya golait

    Demonetisation will be nail in the coffin of those who accumulated black money. Now people will be scared to hoard money. Benami properties should also be targeted soon.

  42. Jomy Joseph

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  44. Guru Choubey

    Central government of country is itself shielding corrupts by allowing foreign funding to political parties. Election Commission urges for reforms but they are busy making wealth.

  45. Priyanshu kapoor

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  46. Manjith Mothiram

    At grassroot level there is such bad corruption that Modi will have to give at least 20 years to clean this. It will be better that we should take an initiative by stop paying illicit money at government offices.

  47. Joice Joseph

    I wonder how come you get to know that this is the exact information that I have been looking for. Thanks a ton man.

  48. Srinivasan Sankar

    Thank you, I have just been looking for info about this subject for ages and yours is the best I have found out till now.

  49. Rishabh Solanki

    Digital India will be an answer to India’s corrupt government babus. When money will go only through digital means there will be holes from where money could leak.

  50. Saket Kumar Jain

    While India needs to work towards eliminate corruption, however, survey seems completely tilted towards western world and not as real as it is shown

  51. Suryansh Tripathi

    It is sad that India ranks so high in corruption index. If there is one evil that Narendra Modi should end by 2019 then it has to be corruption and bribes in government offices.

  52. Vikas Apte

    The real issue is that we Indians are in so hurry and are so careless that we leave no other options than to bribe officials. We are never ready to wait in queue or fulfill procedures involved in government offices.


    Good day. I am certainly happy I discovered it and I will be book-marking it and checking back frequently.

  54. Kshama dongre

    India has slided on ease of doing business report on many counts. Why doesn’t the PM ease the circumstances for business owners and entrepreneurs is a question on his credibility.

  55. Johny Paul

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  56. Manjeet Rehal

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  57. Arvind Malik

    Excellent article. With the current situation, making judiciary system efficient and transparent with time bound results seems to be the most effective solution. Other measures to eradicate corruption goes with bottoms up approach (cleansing from petty to systemic to grand corrupt practices), which may take ages. It is understood that majority of money siphoning (which cripples development and uplift of poor) is through grand and systematic corruption nexus. In order to achieve fast results we need to take care of big fishes. Government needs to see how high profile and high office bearing offenders could be booked in short period of time – leading to heavy penalties, seizure of all their assets, earnings, etc. Such repercussions will automatically curtail petty offenders. In recent past there had been so many scams but outcome of such detection is not scary for the defaulters. This needs to change…


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