Dr. Gupta’s dialogues in the electronic media have been vastly appreciated by fiscal and accountancy professionals. The in-depth expertise and extensive academic knowledge have helped Dr. Gupta to deliver precise and noteworthy vocalizations on topics related to Accountancy, Economics, Tax, Money Laundering, and Budgetary Control. He readily lends his valuable words during discussions and analysis of distinct matters. Enumerated below are some of his contributions to the media. The list is not exhaustive.
My views on various TV channels on “PNB- Nirav Modi case”
NDTV 24×7-Livestream-Debate on Interest Rate Cut on PF-22nd February 2018
Lok Sabha TV “Insight LIVE” Discussion-Ordinance on Non Performing Assets- 5th May 17
Lok Sabha TV program ‘Lok Manch’ Discussion on De-monetization 12th December 2016
News 24 – ‘Sabse Bada Sawal’ Discussion on De-monetization-11th December 2016
News 24- ‘5 Ki Panchayat’ Discussion on Currency Ban -9th December 2016
DD National-‘Good Evening India’ Discussion on De-notification of 500/1000 bank notes-16th November 2016
News 24- Discussion on De-monetization of Currency -12th November 2016
Lok Sabha TV-Discussion on GST back on Track-15th June 2016
Lok Sabha TV- SC judgement on applying Anti corruption law on pvt banks-25 March 2016
Door Darshan National-Interview -07 August 2009
Door Darshan National-Interview -06 June 2009