Brand India Needs A Big, Positive Push From Country’s Media
Brand India has the support of the ruling dispensation, but it is the broader media of the country…
संकटपूर्ण वैश्विक आर्थिक परिदृश्य के बीच पांच ट्रिलियन डॉलर का लक्ष्य
कोरोना वायरस महामारी के राजनीतिक और आर्थिक दुष्परिणाम अब स्पष्ट रूप से दिखाई देने लगे हैं। कुछ हफ्ते…
The five trillion-dollar dream amid a grim global economic landscape
(The article “The five trillion-dollar dream amid a grim global economic landscape” published in magazine Uday India in October…
Truth alone can bring lasting peace and restoring temples is a step in the same direction
A huge collection of works by Indian and western scholars shines the light on how past invaders altered…
Sustainable Budget
(The article “Sustainable Budget” published in magazine Uday India in February 26, 2022 English edition)
Merging the Amar Jawan Jyoti flame was a course correction
Amar Jawan Jyoti flame was the true mark of valour, and it deserved a place at the National…
Hindutva is ‘oneness’, Hindutva is inclusive development
Hindutva seeks to instil in all the inhabitants of India, cutting across faiths, a sense of national pride…
BSF’s jurisdiction changes is a judicious step in the right direction
The latest notification concerning the BSF’s jurisdiction is a step in the right direction. It is a timely…
No, it’s not an end, but a beginning in Islamist Afghanistan, and it must concern us all
Experts say the sentiment on the ground is that the Taliban defeated the US and NATO forces and…