Concrete proposals to reduce India’s Current Account Deficit
A country’s current account is said to be in deficit when the sum total of its imports, payments…
Pressing need to accord the status of basic necessity to healthcare
Would you truly term this as development wherein hospitals in the urban parts are providing world-class services to…
Let the agriculture sector be the economy booster
When we know that every second Indian earns livelihood from agriculture and allied activities, that agricultural growth ratedetermines the prices…
Win-hangover gone, BJPians to focus on today
I can recall the words of all political experts post the 2014 general polls wherein they declared 2014-onwards to be…
Is this the ‘modernization’ we crave for?
The world is talking of ‘modernization’. As Indians, we speak about the western culture and make every possible…
Price Discovery- An essential we have disremembered
Indeed, the very first lesson of marketing I learnt was not from any book. My father, who comes…
Re-birth vs. enduring burial of the Planning Commission- Hidden Possibilities
Let us now put an end to discussing the evils of the Planning Commission. Sloppy approach and unclear…
How much forbearance does Hinduism allow?
The book ‘Ancient and Medieval History of India’ by H.G. Rawlinson claims that it was in the end…
India and Pakistan- Will the milieu ever change?
The head of one nation cordially requests the presence of his counterpart, the head of second nation which has a…