10 thoughts on “Should Distorted Indian History be Rewritten?”

  1. Prashant Patel

    What sense does it make to remove chapters on important events in history? Isnt BJP distorting the history of India and making children nothing but a bunch of people with lacking knowledge?

  2. Sarthak Mehta

    For India to rise, we have to first inculcate in our children a sense of pride and belonging towards the nation which will come through indigenous curriculum.

  3. It is beyond understanding why questions on mughal administration and their revenue model are even a part of civil service exams. They ruined the country and we are learning about them.

  4. Indian scholars, scientists, writers and philosophers must find their due mention in books. Why is Thomas Edison portrayed above Aryabhatta? This is nothing but degradation of our own past.

  5. jagdeep singh

    Why even have extensive lessons on Mughals and British? Why not cut them short and give more space to the golden age of Guptas and Mauryas.

  6. Do we understand why China could advance so much and even antagonise the US? Because their education policy combines nationalism and self-pride.

  7. Himanshu Taragi

    History is complicated. What to include and what not while imparting school eduction should be well thought by the government and authorities. Academicians should be consulted.

  8. Chetan Gangwar

    Ask any school kid and they will not know that India was once the world’s largest economy and India and China ruled world economy. What are we teaching our kids?

  9. Nobody is against secularism or inclusiveness. But the thing is that Nehru and other Congress leaders never upheld the dignity of their country and countrymen.

  10. Little doubt that Congress over the years and decades depicted India as a subjugated country ruled by invaders and foreigners. That’s what they always propagated.

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